If there are two things which when combined mean almost guaranteed stress – it’s moving house with pets. Although we are talking about increased human stress, it’s vitally important to remember that a house move can also cause your furry pets stress a great deal of stress as well.  

In order to help you reduce the stress placed on your pets, we have created a series of blog articles which take a brief look at some of the most commonly found household pets – and how you can reduce their stress during a house move. In the past, we have covered both cats and dogs, and today we are looking at the bunny rabbit!

  • Use a dedicated pet carrier, which is secured before set off.
  • Ensure that the rabbit is not placed in direct sunlight, before during or after a journey.
  • Drive smoothly, rabbits struggle to predict motion – so can easily frighten.
  • Ensure that water & food is available in the carrier at all times.
  • When you arrive at the new house, keep the rabbit in the carrier for a short while.

Once the rabbit move is complete, use some of the below tips to help your rabbit settle in to it’s new home:

  • Quickly re-unite the rabbit with it’s possessions, chews & toys.
  • Ensure that the rabbit has access to shelter – so it can hide and feel safe.
  • Make sure the garden is fully secure!
  • Give them Time & Space to get used to their new environment.

So there you have it, some easy and quick tips to reduce the stress out of your move for all involved.